Kriška gora

Wind Meteo Altitude
Kriška gora nad Tržicem
Landing Landing alt. Altitude dif.

1 km S from Tržič. Dirve from Tržič to Križe and Gozd village. There you can put your equipment onto the cabel car and walk to the top of Križka mountain. Start is just west from the hut.
Flying from Križka west to the end of the ridge and back is easy, but still alpine flying.
Landing place near the village Senično is large and well equiped.

Warning: Flying over the ridge allowed to 2900 m ASL, but just south of the ridge the limit is 300 m AGL so do not fly high over the valley! CTR and TMA Ljubljana just south of the ridge!


Marko Florijančič (+38641259639)