Letenje v Dolomitih – problemi
Letenje v Dolomitih – problemi
Lansko leto so imeli v Dolomitih veliko resnih problemov, še posebno na področju Canazei-Col Rodella-Pordoi-Marmolada. Prisotnost stotin pilotov v zraku je povzročala nevarnost pri reševanju poškodovancev s helikopterji, še posebej zato, ker se niso držali pravil, ki so obvezna v takih primerih. Zato je trenutno možna tudi varianta, da se področje zapre za prosto letenje.
- Telefonska številka za klic v sili v Italiji je 118.
- Če greste letet v Dolomite si kupite (so zelo poceni) oziroma sposodite PMR prenosno postajo (walkie talkie). Uraden kanal, za uporabo izključno v varnostne namene, je 8 s subtonom 16 (tako imenovan "8-16"). To je ekvivalentno frekvenci 446,09375 MHz + subton 114,8 Hz. To pomeni, da UKV postaje, ki uporabljamo v Sloveniji, načeloma niso primerne.
- Če vidite helikopter (načeloma so rdeči ali rumeni) se mu umaknite vsaj za 2 km.
- Prisotnost helikopterja in umik od le-tega sporočite tudi soletalcem po običajnih frekvencah (UKV postaja).
- Priporočajo uporabo velikih ušes za nakazanje drugim pilotom, naj se umaknejo, če ni drugega načina komunikacije.Ne se bližat helikopterju, četudi menite, da je dosegel ponesrečenca in je varno leteti dalje. Zelo možno je, da čaka ostale pilote (vključno z vami), da se mu umaknete.
- Vsak pilot mora imeti sabo tudi rdečo in zeleno dimno bombo (baklo). Lahko jo kupite na spodnji postaji gondole Col Rodella. Če ste se ponesrečili uporabite rdečo. Če ste OK pa zeleno in čimprej pospravite padalo.
Nekaj primerov:
Pilots continued to fly near the helicopter (someone was filming the operations with his camera near the helicopter!) and do not let the helicopter fly in the area to do its work. Someone suffered for late rescue and risked his life because the rescue service could not fly in the area because of many paragliders did not let the space free. In one case a pilot flied so near the helicopter (in the meanwhile the same was operating with a medician attached to the capstan) that the wing closed and crashed in to the ground (so the rescue was for 2 pilot in one time!).
The helicopter, in September/October 2011 rescued about 70 paragliders/hangliders in the Canazei area (but it came many other times for alpinists, bikers etc.). The problem is that paragliding pilots are unpolite and they do not respect rules.
Varnostna komisija italijanske zveze je poslala na naslov naše zveze dopis z navodili in naprošamo vse, ki nameravate leteti v Dolomitih, da jih upoštevate:
Hi everybody.
We keep having serious problems in the Dolomites (expecially in Canazei – Col Rodella – Pordoi – Marmolada).
The Dolomites area is again at risk of being closed to free flight.
I ask you to please help us in informing european pilots and scools by publishing on your websites and magazines the following information (please also send me links to your websites once you published the news so that we can show to the authorities our cooperation in keeping these area safe).
The search & rescue helicopter service in the Dolomites area (Canazei, Col Rodella, Pordoi, Marmolada) is still struggling when hundreds of pilots, from all over Europe, keep flying during rescue operations not allowing the helicopter to properly operate to help fellow free flight pilots that need assistance.
The situation is so bad that the authorities will close the area if we can't manage to solve this problem.
In order to keep everybody safe and in order to keep open to free flight one of the most beautiful flight areas in the world, all pilots flying in the Dolomites area are requested to:
1) Take note: the official phone number in Italy for the rescue service is 118.
2) Starting from this year, we start experimenting with a radio channel reserved to flight safety.
Keep a radio always listening on the safety radio channel that we call "8-16" which is PMR channel 8 with CTSS subtone 16.
For the most technical pilots the frequency is 446,09375 MHz + subtone 114,8 Hz
This radio channel will be used to provide instructions during rescue operations and for any other safety-related communication.
Keep the channel free, don't use it for non-safety communications.
PMR radios are cheap and light. Getting a second radio just for this safety channel is a good choice: it will be your cheapest piece of safety equipment.
Communication during emergencies is very important.
3) When you see the helicopter (red or yellow) fly at least 2Km away from the rescue area.
4) Tell also to your friends, on your usual radio channel, to move 2Km away from the rescue area.
5) If there is no other way to communicate with them, use the "ears" with the paraglider as a way to communicate that they also have to leave the area.
6) Don't stay in front of the helicopter whent it's hovering. Even when you think that the helicopter has reached it's operation place and that it's safe to keep flying, the helicopter is probably waiting for free flight pilots (including yourself) to move away in order to proceed to the rescue area.
7) Every pilot flying in the Dolomites area must have a red and a green smoke bomb. They can be found at the Col Rodella cablecar. If you have an accidend and need medical help use the red smoke bomb. If you have an accident and don't need medical assistance use the green smoke bomb and fold the wing.
Rodolfo Saccani, Commissione Sicurezza FIVL