Mangart - tunel

Julijske Alpe
Wind Meteo Altitude
Landing Landing alt. Altitude dif.
Log pod Mangrtom

Follow regional road Log pod Mangartom - Predel. After driving 3 km from Strmec village turn right for Mangart and drive further 9 km. Couple hundred kilometres after last hairpin turn and before entering last tunnel, there is takeoff site located on the step slope on the left above the road (there is small automatic meteorological station on the right side of the road). Landing is located in front of graveyard in the village Log pod Mangartom.

WARNING: Possibility of strong valley winds on afternoons of summer days or on days with strong SW wind prediction! Landing spot is located on private property, so you are kindly asked to remove your glider from the grass as soon as possible and pack it on the side of the road!

Flight altitude limit: 2900 ASL.


Robert Komac (+38641662949)